Lambing time, again!

I’ve been reading about lambing happening on many of the farms both in our region and in other parts of the country. Please remember that you can post photos of your lambs for sale on this blog! If you’ve forgotten how to do that, email me privately and I’ll return the password, etc. to you, so long as you are a member of JSBA in our Northeast Region!

Mark dates: Think about attending the AGM, the last weekend in June, in Michigan, near Dan Carpenter’s farm…More info to follow.

Tentative Regional meeting in Massachusetts in mid-July, more to follow.

I don’t start lambing for another month; shearing is 3/18.  Then, I’ll be posting some lambing photos.  I look forward to seeing yours.  This is a good way to get the word out about your lambs and your farm, if you don’t have a website. If you do have a website, then add a link to this blog so that when people check out the NE region happenings, they can click on the link and get to your website.

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